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You Need an Editorial Calendar (and Why)

All writers eventually become marketers. Once you have a book, or blog, you have to start promoting it. I've created an editorial calendar template that can be customized for any type of product, or size of project. 

When marketing a book, or any product, it is important to have a direction, message, and goal. Planning out an overall, high-level, long term campaign, and the daily details, helps both experienced and novice marketers keep on track, and measure success. It is important to track efforts in order to see what works, and to see which efforts took more time and money than they were worth. 

It can be very difficult to make a good return on investment when marketing books. It's why major book publishers don't advertise or market books that aren't already guaranteed to be bestsellers. (Think Harry Potter or anything by John Grisham or Tom Clancy. And even then, their books don't get a lot of advertising, and just a lot of good PR.) As a small or first time author, it is important to make a marketing effort so that your book can be found. Nobody buys a book they can't or haven't heard of before. 

I don't share this information to discourage anyone from marketing or advertising their book. But rather to encourage you to use the marketing and editorial calendar wisely, and closely monitor your efforts and returns. 

In all fairness, and for full disclosure, I did not create this calendar from scratch. It is a conglomeration of other open source, free calendars available online, primarily from I've added my own style to it to make it a little more updated for social media, and to incorporate both social media and offline marketing efforts. 

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